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texture paint
texture paint

Simon Texture Paint STUCCO is a high-grade thick-build exterior wall decorative paint, also known as texture scraping sand paint. Compared with ordinary flat coating or elastic coating, it has the advantages of wear resistance and crack resistance, and can effectively bridge cracks in the wall, especially suitable for decoration on walls with external thermal insulation.

Features of texture scraping sand paint:
1. Keep the color of the exterior wall for a long time (it can last for decades without fading).
2. Excellent decoration. Temperature and cold resistance, excellent flexibility, crack resistance, impact resistance, waterproof and breathable, mildew resistance, and good sound absorption effect.
3. The construction is simple, and the texture can be changed through different construction methods, such as sand-scraping type, standard type, and particle type, which make the building more natural.
Through the three-dimensional and natural texture, the aesthetic artistic style of the building is highlighted. Different tools and construction methods can be used for flexible and heavy materials to create texture effects of different styles, making the appearance of the building more unique and individual, allowing the design to unleash unlimited creativity, and turning mediocrity into magic.



Standard type

Standard type

Imitation brick effect

Imitation brick effect

Scraping sand mold

Scraping sand mold

Granular type

Granular type

Roughening type

Roughening type

Rose effect

Rose effect


用途: 用于墙体外立体及室内装饰,具有多种不同的效果肌理,对墙体起着装饰和保护作用。
色彩: 54种标准色,可根据客户要求特别配制。
墙体要求: 干燥、结实、平整、无粉尘、无油渍、无盐碱等异物,PH值低于10,含水率低于10%。
材料混合: 25KG/桶,开桶后,采用机械搅拌3-5分钟后即可使用。
材料贮存: 通风干燥、相对湿度<80%的环境中。
比重: 约1.6
耐水性: 96小时无异常
固含量: 77%
耐热性(80℃): 无流淌起泡和滑动
施工性: 批刮无障碍
耐洗刷性: >1000次
耐碱性: 96小时无异常
抗冻性: 20次无开裂
干燥时间(表干): ≤4
毒性: 水性无毒
施工: 采用批刀、滚筒、喷枪等工具施工,具体的施工效果根据施工工具、施工手法而定。
施工条件: 环境温度为5~40℃,相对湿度小于85%,恶劣天气应停止施工。

产品分类:弹性质感涂料  标准型质感涂料  伙伴型质感涂料 (不同品种性能有差异)

产品效果 :

产品类别                      适用范围           产品应用特点
细颗粒 外墙/外墙 用于内外墙墙体的装饰,纹理细腻。可通过不同的施工手法和工具做出多种装饰效果。
中颗粒 外墙/外墙 用于内外墙墙体的装饰,中等颗粒感。广泛的运用在外立面的装饰。是质感涂料选用最多的品种。
大、中、小刮砂 外墙/外墙 用于内外墙墙体的装饰,纹理可通过不同的施工手法和工具做出多种装饰效果。装饰感强烈。


