Home > Stucco>Marmory

MARMORINO: crystalline calcium carbonate stucco, translucent luxury. It can be used alone as a wall decoration. It can also be used in combination with Simon's wild creative elements, and different construction techniques can create a variety of effects.

54 special colors can also be formulated according to customer requirements, except for colors that cannot be modulated by iron oxide pigments, so as to ensure that no heavy metals are mixed in to cause pollution.

Product features: Very fine marble powder is natural plaster with pure natural calcium. The coating will slowly absorb carbon dioxide in the air and transform it into a solid marble finish. Good durability and resistance to scrubbing. Can breathe the wall, absorb moisture without condensed water crystallization.

Environmental protection: zero formaldehyde, zero VOC, zero heavy metal content, no pollution, no burning of Class A fireproof materials. Inorganic materials are free from mildew. ECO ecological building materials, environmental protection wall decoration materials.


Recommended places to use: luxury classical and ultra-modern decoration style halls, hotel furniture, shopping centers, exhibition halls.

Product Code: 9020 

Xiangyun ST-155

Xiangyun ST-155

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Spanish Lace ST-175

Mirror ST-140

Mirror ST-140

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Scratches ST-106

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Swiss ST-160


包装: 5KG/桶, 20KG/桶。涂布面积为10-12平方米,涂层厚度约为1-2毫米。
成分: 专有的波特兰水泥、高铝水泥、熟石灰、分级骨料、矿物氧化颜料和特别的添加剂。
色彩: 54种标准色,可根据客户要求特别配制,但矿物氧化色素不能配制的颜色除外。
墙体要求: 墙体表面结构合理、干净,无浮尘、油脂、污垢及风化物等。墙体必须完全干燥。裂缝、 空洞应在施工前修补完全。
材料混合: 每包(25kg)加入4.5-5.5L的干净水,采用机械搅拌15-20分钟,静置5分钟后即可使用。混合好的材料最好在1小时内使用。
材料标准: JC/T1024-2007
材料贮存: 通风干燥、相对湿度<80%的环境中。


· 用铲刀平批第一层STUCCO;
· 根据肌理造型所需要的不同施工方法,施工第二遍STUCCO;
· 可采用机械喷涂,但必须分二遍进行施工;
· 在特别的环境(指污染严重)可在表面喷涂防尘防水剂,以增强STUCCO的防污能力。


· 墙体完全干燥,PH<10,水分<10%
· 气温>5℃,空气湿度<70%